Features & Updates

Trips View: Color Coding Update

Ninety percent of information transmitted to the human brain is visual. Understanding this factor we have improved our color scheme on the Trips page. With a single glance, you as a dispatcher or administrator, can quickly be informed about the status of your loads.

Trips Interface

Beyond the textual information, color options have been added to enhance the usability experience. Each status now has its own color and can be configured in the Settings -> General section. The following colors are set as default:

Trip # Cell Status Colors

  •  Pending : Trips that are scheduled and are not active are in a grey box.
  •  Active : Trips that are currently in an active state are colored yellow.
  •  Delivered : Trips which have al completed appointments are green.
  •  Completed : The color changes to blue once the trip is marked as completed. This state indicates that all documents have been received and processed and the trip is considered closed.
  •  Canceled : Trips which are canceled are marked red. 

Appointment Cell Colors

  •  Active : Green cell color indicates that the current scheduled appointment is on-time.
  •  Alert : Red cell color indicates that there is a potential concern with the appointment. Possible causes are late arrival, unacknowledged timestamp or potential late arrival based on ELD data and distance. 
  • Pending or Complete: No color coding is used for future or completed trips.

Appointment Text Colors

  •  On-Time : Green date and time text indicates an on-time appointment that was either registered automatically based on location or acknowledged by dispatch.
  •  Late Arrival : Red text indicates that the set appointment time has been missed, not acknowledged or has been estimated by the ELD and location data to be late. 

Document Colors

The boxes for documents are set to change color according to the rules and color options found in Settings. 

  •  CON : Confirmation documents checkbox
  •  BOL : Bill of Lading document checkbox
  •  INV : Invoice checkbox

Did You Know About the DOC column?

The default Trips view has a number of hidden columns that some may find useful. One such column is DOC. Enabling this column reveals a red icon which is associated with the uploaded confirmation file. Clicking the icon displays the document in a pop-up view allowing the user quick reference.

Happy to help.

Feel free to message us directly from the app with any problems, suggestions or comments. We’re here to make your life easier.

Features & Updates

New Feature: Trip Planner

Here at LoadPanel, we not only innovate new features and services but also listen closely to our users. The new Trip Planner is an example of a solution to the problem of planning trips visually. Take a look and explore this feature found under the Trips menu. 

Trip Planner Interface

Each trip is blocked out for each driver on a vertical time-line.  Color coding of the trip boxes allows for quick analysis of trip progress. The dark-colored vertical bar indicates progress based on ELD and GPS data. Time spans between trips are displayed. Color coding on the appointment times is actively updated hourly.

Trip Information Panel

Clicking on any trip brings up a relevant information panel showing broker, driver, truck, trailer, pickup and delivery information. Enabled ELD trucks and drivers show relevant HOS information as well as the current location of the vehicle.

Compact and Mobile View

In addition we are continuing to improve our mobile interfaces for those who need to dispatch while on the go. In desktop mode the grey calendar button allows users to toggle between normal, compact and mobile views. 

Happy to help.

Feel free to message us directly from the app with any problems, suggestions or comments. We’re here to make your life easier.