Driver Pay and Recurring Expenses
While we have not been consistent with our blog and newsletter updates, we have been busy this winter working on major updates and improvements to LoadPanel. One of the most frequent requests have centered around a driver pay feature. In the latest update we’ve added a Driver Settlements section. Keep in mind that this feature is still in beta and may contain minor bugs. Let us know if you find anything out of place or not performing as intended.

Driver Settlements
This feature is not intended to be a complete payroll solution but rather is designed to satisfy most small business while complimenting those who have an existing accounting system. We’ve designed our pay periods to be adjustable and to fit any situation. The selection of multiple drivers allows for a single click payroll creation. The individualized payroll PDF reports/stubs can then be printed or emailed directly to the drivers.
Split Trip
In order to solve the issue of compensation for unfinished loads, we now allow splitting trips. Doing so, enables the administrator to choose the percentage of the completed trip that should be included in the selected pay period while retaining the remainder for when the load is finally delivered and completed. This method solves some of the struggles that companies have who pay drivers on a weekly schedule.

Driver Expense Wizard
Another powerful tool that has been long in coming is the driver expense wizard. The special feature has the ability to create recurring expenses which can be applied immediately, repeated over multiple pay periods or scheduled to be added in the future. The various driver expenses and recurring payment on debt can now easily be tracked and billed.
Quick Adjustments and History
The various driver deductions can be reviewed and adjusted before completing the payroll. Removing a scheduled expense does not remove it from the driver and will associate it on the next pay cycle. All the historical driver pay and the new expenses table have been added to the driver page.

Final Note
Please let us know what you think of these features and how they are serving your needs. We continue to improve and desire to become the leading TMS solution for the small trucking business environment.
Feel free to email us directly or contact us from the app with any suggestions, comments, or concerns. We’re here to make your life easier.